Lab Luck 6/23/14
This is an incomplete recap. Hopefully I didn't misinterpret anyone.
Recap of Body Stories:
Michal-More recountable. Easier to remember stories than dances.
Louis-Tracing of the body is like a polaroid time capsule-->Here we are at this time.
Nadia-Speaking one on one with personal material. Speaking and then listening. She didn't expect it, but it made partnering easier, natural, and safe. Ready to move. Stories helped her engage rather than be mushy/zone-y from a long monday.
Scott-Wonders about the possibility of telling stories simultaniously to dancing/partnering/being manipulated, a la Ami Legonge (spelling?)
Christian-Wonders about going beyond story. Story is about past, while dancing is about present.
Alex-Wishes to revisit Roel's idea of bringing everyday experiences/movements of our lives into our investigations.
Expresses that the beginning of lab can be causal/mushy/chatty/unclear. Also noticed that material was sensitive/deep and that when going to these places there should be time to process/a way to contain so that we are not left raw and vulnerable. Acknowledges that some of this is personal responsibility, but also could be addressed more.
Liz-Suggests a coming together or doing a closing exercise to cap the experience/help create a safe container.
Louis-commends Alex on her bravery to share so intimately. Acknowledges that it is a choice to go into sensitive material.
Kaitlin-Found this session valuable, but struggled to enter satisfying dances.
Scott- Found that he was often in Authentic Movement mode. Remembers a lot of solo work.
Louis-Compares entering duet from story like diving into a lake and the story gets left at the surface. How do we integrate?
Alex--liked having a physical product (the paper body) to ground us and help us stay on our theme. Everyone agreed.
Scott-Liked the paper, but felt it was disruptive to catch up those who had not made a body when they came in halfway through the session. Would like to emphasize commitment and attendance--feels that it is valuable and special.
In regards to attendance
-Some members have been spotty in attendance and may need to be checked in with about their commitment to lab.
-Perhaps we have sessions that are more or less flexible based on their content? Alternate?
-Bringing special guests: default protocol is to email the group the day before (at least) and only bring them if the facilitator says yes and no one says no. Let's create a respectful environment where it's okay to say no and dissenters don't have to be anxious about it. Dissenters can also just simply say "no" and not be aggressive, knowing that their opinion will be valued by the group.
June 30-August 18.
(for now we will have the space available both for the day after Orcas and the first day of SFDI)
Next Lab Luck on August 25th, and the fall session will start again after Labor Day.
Summer Session Theme: UNDERSCORE.
Yup. Just and underscore every monday. Between 7pm and 7:05 someone (likely whoever is there and takes a lead) will call out "beginning" or signal in some other way, and then the underscore will commence and talking will stop. Anyone who comes in late will join silently. Dancing will go until 8:40, and then there will be a harvest.
Special SUMMER SESSION policies:
-Come when you can
-No assigned facilitators
-Bringing appropriate guests (use good judgement) is ok--even encouraged! Just notify group beforehand. Also be clear with guests you bring that we are a closed group and attendance is by invitation only.
Other things:
Michal is looking for housing on July 15th for out of town people coming in for Orcas. Let her know if you can offer a space!
Fall session--Focus on music. Maybe with improvised music as part of it.