Please read carefully as there are some important structural additions.
1. We have decided that the "mass email" is not a great form of communication, as someone inevitably gets left off, they become long and confusing, and a whole bunch of people dropping out at the last minute is bad for morale. In response we are instituting a "Session Administrator" who will keep track of who will be at lab each week, and if attendance is critically low, will make a judgement call and let the group know. Basically, the assumption is that if you are committed to a session that you will be there (like always) but if you need to miss please email the Administrator by Sunday at 8pm. Obviously sometimes you get sick last minute, but otherwise by Sunday. DO NOT email the whole group unless you have a good reason.
This session's Administrator is --> Connie <--
*Connie will be emailing a few of you to confirm whether or not you wish to be in this session.
2. We have Lab Amnesia! So many years of wonderful labs and the book is lovely to look through but is often lost and/or not accessible to all. Realistically, it is hard to enforce using the blog, which feels complicated to many people. So experimentally we are instituting a "Session Recorder" who will type up a synopsis of each lab for the session and post to the blog. These lab notes will also go on the blog. Let this be a resource.
This session's Recorder is --> Kaitlin <--
*I will not be at lab on March 26th. Perhaps I could have a guest recorder for that lab who could email me some notes and I'll post. Any volunteers?
Theme: HEART ❤️
We are desirous of grounding in why we love this beautiful art form. A few things we talked about, that you may want to source for facilitation:
-The joy of CI
-What do you love/What touches you
-Staying with/Patience
-Many ways of supporting/giving
-Opening to receiving/surrender
Connie will lead the first session.
Session dates: March 19-April 30. Next Luck May 7.
Who's in:
1. Connie
2. Kaitlin
3. Cyrus
4. Julius
5. Sheila
6. Scott
7. Denise
8. Hallie
9. Liz
*Connie will be checking in with unknown folks, so there may be more people on this list.
Who's out:
1. Katherine
2. Mike
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